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Rosanne Benoit

It is taking time, but the market for cleaners built on a safer chemistry model is growing. Why has it taken so long? Here is my take on some of the reasons why.

When the movement began, years ago, the chemistry available was very limited. There was not a plethora of ingredients that were deemed environmentally friendly available to formulators. Also, early on, the products that were marketed as “green” just did not clean very well. They took longer to do the job, sometimes requiring the job be done multiple times to achieve “clean”. They also required more elbow grease by the human component. Another reason is cost. Many users found it difficult to justify paying 3 or 4 times the price for a green product that, simply said, didn’t measure up. Add in the labor costs accrued when you factor in using inferior products and it all becomes clear! Fast forward to 2019. Thanks to the efforts of many chemical companies, we have more options to work with when formulating greener cleaning products. Many of these companies submit their raw materials to CleanGredients for third-party verification that their ingredients are indeed safer for human health and the environment. CleanGredients represents a community of practice that brings together industry, government and non-profit stakeholders who have a vested interest in advancing the use of green chemistry in products. EAGLE BRUSH & CHEMICAL has access to a list of pre-approved safe chemistry ingredients. When we build a new GREEN ZONE product, CleanGredients is our go to source to find ingredients that will allow us to build a product that is more people and environment safe and will get the job done.

With more and more raw materials available and more environmentally preferred products being made, products today are better cleaners and priced more competitively. Please check out our GREEN ZONE line of products when considering going “green”. These products have been vigorously tested prior to becoming a part of the GREEN ZONE. We take the time to test potential formulas against many other cleaners to be certain they will perform as expected. If you don’t see what you are looking for please contact us. We have new products in development and are always interested in what our customers need